Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Freebies for Parents

I'm not sure about the expiration date on this one, so HURRY UP and order yours today! If you're like me, then you probably have tons of great shots you've been taking all summer long just waiting to be printed.

You can get 10 FREE 4x6 photo prints from Walgreens when you order 10 prints and use the coupon code TEN4X6FREE. CHoose in-store pickup to at checkout to get them completely free. If you have them shipped, they won't be free.

P.S.  I have 2 Walgreens accounts, 1 for me and 1 for the hubby so I can always get double the free prints whenever they offer freebies/deals!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"We didn't do ANYTHING this summerrrrrr..."

Hi there. It's good to be back after a long fight with a virus that just wouldn't go away, which then gave way to an episode of vertigo. Whew! Glad to be back.

I'm not sure when your kidlets go back to school, but mine goes back September 8th. Isn't that late? Or do I say that every year? Anyway...

I'm also wondering if everyone else's kids are anything like mine and are whining as the summer winds to an end? Sure, we did NOT go on a vacation since Daddy had scheduling issues, conventions, and out of town business trips. But I tried my best to come up with lots of fun activities and day trips so we could create some memories this summer.

So the next time my kid whines about how boring my hubby and I are or how we never do anything, here is my proof positive that it just ain't true! (Gotta love tweens and their drama!)

So here are 25 things that WE DID DO:

1. Went to lake to swim, hunt for frogs, and kayak

2. Hit up the movies (in the park AND in the theatre AND rented at home)

3. Roller skated at the rink

4. Went out for ice cream (There's no way I am fessing up to how many times THAT happened. I plead the fifth. Of course, you may be able to take a guess if you take a gander at me wearing shorts. LOL)

5. Beat the heat at Sahara Sam's numerous times because we are members. I feel like such a VIP whenever I mention this.

6. Splashed around in our yard, complete with 2 foot inflatable baby pool (hey, when it's hot, who cares?) and the sprinkler.

7. Barbecued with family

8. Saw fireworks, wore glow in the dark jewelry, and played with sparklers

9. Ate our weight in icy pops

10. Took hikes through the woods

11. Made a bird feeder station with 5 different kinds of feeders to see how many different types birds we could attract to our yard (8, so far!)

12. Dressed liked cows to get free food

13. Sat inside on rainy days and made crafts

14. Got our kicks at soccer camp

15. Rocked out and learned more about God at VBS

16. Jumped around at Sky Zone Trampoline Park

17. Got down and dirty at the dirt racetrack at Bridgeport Speedway and cheered for our favorite cars

18. Attended the county 4-H fair, saw piggy races, and petted a whole lotta farm animals

19. Rooted for the home team at a River Sharks baseball game

20. Played on more playgrounds than I can count

21. Checked out the Tall Ships Festival and rode the ferry, too

22. Visited the library quite a few times

23. Walked in our small town 4th of July parade

24. Had all the fun at a carnival--rides, games, and funnel cake!

25. Had many sleepovers

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Time for a GIVEAWAY! Bounce U Pass Contest *CLOSED*

As a little thank you to all of our new followers here on this blog AND on Facebook, we would like to do a little giveaway!

Tri-State Hot Spots is giving away 3 passes for Bounce U, good at their Blackwood and Cherry Hill locations.

To enter, please do ONE or MORE of the following to enter:

  • Follow this blog by clicking on the JOIN THIS SITE button on the right hand-side

  • Never miss another post again! Click on the SUBSCRIBE TO button to add this blog's content to your favorite feed reader.

  • Get email updates when there are new posts by submitting your email address on the right-hand side (Absolutley NO spam, we promise!)

Winner will be announced July 27th. Good luck!

*Winner is Tracy Salvatore!*